Friday, March 4, 2011

Recent Baking

I realized the other day, I haven't posted anything about food and my endeavors for quite awhile.
I just downloaded a few pictures that DH has been taking. (He's really proud of what I can do in the kitchen. Which makes me pleased and happy someone appreciates my baking skills)
The pictures are of;
A blueberry (diabetic) pie with meringue topping.
An artisanal whole wheat/olive oil bread.
An I got nothing special in the pantry pie.
Loaf of caraway rye bread.
All were very yummy and nothing went to waste.
Or, I should say... they all went to my waist! :)


Cartoon Characters said...

omg i am coming over for coffee right now! :)

FriggenPhysco said...

Om nom nom...(That's the sound of me trying to eat the pictures on the computer screen.)


Phiddy said...

One and all are welcome to visit for treats. I got the water on to boil for coffee in the french press. And, FP, come on up anytime.... you know where I live.

Little old me...

My photo
An american yankee up past the 49th parellel.


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