Friday, February 3, 2012

An Inexpensive Valentine's Day Gift

DIY kit for true love.

Get a suitable container and fill with the following for your Valentine:

A rubber eraser (to erase the mistakes of the past)

A diary (to plan your lives ahead together)

A glue stick (to hold the pieces together)

Candles (to keep the romance burning)

An angel (to watch over them when you can’t)

A mini bottle of bubbly (to remember to celebrate the little things)

Chocolates (to keep them sweet!)

1 comment:

Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

What a lovely sentiment, Cita, thanks for the reminder that I need to tell OO that I love him and really appreciate that he's learned to make Tang with the right proportions. Shall I renew for another 25 ?~!

Little old me...

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An american yankee up past the 49th parellel.


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